The Innocent Warrior

Jack Halfon Faces and Places (43)


As a photographer, you come across moments where you cannot standby idly without wondering what is going on. It is moments like these that inspire me to become an entity of change. This haunting yet beautiful photo juxtaposes two different worlds, a world of violence and a world of innocence. While as much as we want to separate the two ideas, this is the horrifying reality. Millions of children around the world find themselves in signs of desperation and despair where their only choice is succumb to the darkness of society. As much as we think we cannot make a change, do not lose hope. This photograph is not meant to shock you. Rather, it is mean to inspire your. There are so many things you can do to be involved. As an activist, I encourage you to get involved. Having done my own philanthropies, I know fully well how much of a transformative impact you can make on an entire community. Remember, it only takes one day to change a nation of thousands.